The new year is quickly approaching and as the old year closes and a new one begins; I thought it may be beneficial to reflect on what I accomplished this year regarding my genealogy hobby. In addition, I have added pertinent genealogical goals that may be of interest to you in compiling your own goals.
The following is a list of accomplishments and goals that I found in a blog post from last year, but I have changed them to reflect those that are particular to me. Perhaps they will also apply to you. Just allow yourself to add your own accomplishments and goals. It is a fun and interesting way to take stock of what you accomplished in this past year with your own family tree, history, or genealogy hobby and to add your own goals.
My Genealogical Accomplishments in 2023

1.      What is one genealogical accomplishment in 2023 of which you are proud?
During the past year I designed and completed several templates for family trees that may be personally edited and used to add direct ancestors, up to eight generations, in beautiful, decorative family trees. My brothers and I benefitted from my design as I completed one for each of them as well as myself.
2.      Have you created a family history binder or book that may be of interest to your future descendants?
I have added information to my family history binder that I began several years ago. It is still a work in progress as are most genealogical projects. My hope is to complete a binder compiled for each of my parent’s families. But, as we all know, our family trees are never really done!
3.      Have I reached my Facebook group goal?
My genealogical Facebook group, Northeast USA Genealogy has exceeded my 2023 goal of 500 members. It now has 612 members!

My Genealogical Goals for 2024
1.      To grow my Facebook group, Northeast USA Genealogy, to 1000 members.
I am hoping to engage more members to add to the genealogical content.
When all members add their genealogical comments or questions, we all benefit from each other’s experiences.
2.      To continue to expand my family tree.
I plan to record more detailed source citations of information for further research. I have found that the more detailed citation sources that I include the easier it is to go back and perhaps add more information that I may have missed.
3.      To continue my biographical narratives of direct ancestors to understand the lives they led to put my own life into context.
I began this goal in 2020 and honestly, I have not added as much content as my ancestors deserve. I like to use historical context related to their lifetimes therefore fleshing out interesting and pertinent aspects of their lives.
4.      To further synchronize my Ancestry.com with my RootsMagic family tree.
 RootsMagic synchronization will also help with my #3 goal.
5.      To further develop my family tree templates to offer clients on Etsy and on my website.
This goal will take some time and effort to bring to fruition as I want to develop and add clear directions for clients when submitting their family tree to me when ordering their own decorative family tree.
6. To more fully develop my Family Tree Archaeology Instagram account
Unfortunately my Instagram account has been like the lost and neglected child of my social accounts. I really need to work on this aspect much more!
7. To better organize my old family photos, heirlooms, and mementos
This is not such and easy task! I have a few bins full of these wonderful items. I have added names to the back of the photos but I have not yet organized them to my liking. It will be a full year's project.
Hmm... it looks to me that I have more goals than accomplishments! I'd better get to work!
I wish you a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!!!
