Veterans Day 2024

To honor those in my family tree who served in the United States military throughout hundreds of years I have created lists of my ancestors from my family tree who defended our nation.
Following are their names and the Wars in which they served:
Note: An asterisk before a bold print name signifies a direct ancestor, other veterans are aunts, uncles, or cousins
James Franklin Lord – Korean War
*Joseph Smith Allen, Jr. – WWII
Florence Arline Allen Harper – WWII
Ruth Elizabeth Allen McBirney – WWII
Allen G. Henninger - WWII
Allen Henninger, Jr. - WWI
Ralph Joseph Smith – Spanish American War
*Andrew Schooley Allen – U.S. Civil War, Union
*Joseph Speck Smith – U.S. Civil War, Union
*Isaac Ross McGhee – U.S. Civil War, Union
William S. McGhee – U.S. Civil War, Union
Samuel McGhee – U.S. Civil War, Union
Joseph W. McGhee – U. S. Civil War, Union
Lewis Smith Goble – U.S. Civil War, Union
*George Huffman – U.S. Civil War, Union
Christopher Beam, U.S. Civil War, Union
Chauncey F. Beam – U.S. Civil War, Union – KIA at Cold Harbor, Virginia, 2 May 1864
George Washington Beam -U.S. Civil War, Union
*Christopher Beam, Jr. – U.S. Civil War, Union
Frederick Crise – U.S. Civil War, Union
*David C. Lord – U.S. Civil War, Union
*John Snyder, Jr. – War of 1812
Henry Goble – War of 1812
*Alexander Lord – War of 1812
*John Allen – Revolutionary War
*Alexander Sears Lord – Revolutionary War
*Christopher Beam – Revolutionary War
*John Snyder – Revolutionary War
*George (Jacob) Goble – Revolutionary War
I am forever in the debt of my ancestral veterans.
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.