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Seventy-two Questions for Family Interviews: Who Is Your Oldest Living Relative?


Updated: Aug 13, 2023

As the holidays begin many of us will be gathering with friends and family for dinners and visits. This may give your “designated family historian” the chance to add to or begin a family history. Some of us are still lucky enough to have older family members who may attend these gatherings.

Our older family members are a treasure trove of information, and their memories should never be taken for granted. Unfortunately, some of us are no longer blessed with these important family members.

My great-grandmother, Elsie and me, picture taken about 1955

Take a few minutes to think about who your oldest living relative is. Both Mom's side of the family and Dad's side are important.

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If you happen to be the family historian, I have compiled a list of family history interview questions that may help you in your quest for family history information. Of course, you may have different, more, or less questions that are appropriate to your family. This is just a guide, a list, or ideas. Mention that you are writing a family history and that they are your best source.

You can always record the answers to these questions by pencil and paper or on a recording device (your relative my not be comfortable being recorded). Always be sensitive to their mood or answers to your questions. Be sure to enter the date, time, occasion, or any other information that pertains to the interview.

They may have a few long-forgotten family photos that they could name the people, place, and dates. This is such a plus for you! When my paternal aunt died my brother who lived near her, sent me a box of family photos that I had never seen. It took much genealogical detective work to name and the date photos. But I am forever grateful that I received them.

Elsie and her brother 1888

Be very grateful for any time or answers that your relative may give to you. It is probably the best gift they will ever give to you. They are the last link to stories of their generation and stories of their parents and grandparents.

Family History Interview Questions:

1. What is your full birth name?

2. When were you born?

3. In what city, state or (country) were you born?

4. Were you born in a hospital? Or at home? Was a doctor or midwife present?

5. Were you named after anyone?

6. Did you or do you have a nickname?

7. Have you always gone by your given name or by a middle name?

8. What were your occupation(s)?

9. What was (is) your mother’s full name and date of birth? Where was she born?

10. What was (is) your father’s full name and date of birth? Where was he born?

11. Do you know your maternal grandparents’ names and dates of birth?

12. Do you know your paternal grandparents’ names and dates of birth?

13. What did your father do for a living? Did he have more than one occupation?

14. What kind of work did your mother do? Was she employed outside of the home?

15. Where did your maternal grandparents live?

16. Where did your paternal grandparents live?

17. Are there any special memories that you have of your grandparents?

18. Did you ever meet your great-grandparents? If so, what do you remember about them?

19. When you were growing up what do you remember about your mother? About your father?

20. What family stories were passed down from your parents or grandparents?

21. Did you have any special holiday traditions or special holiday food or recipes?

22. Are there any special family heirlooms that were passed down to you?

23. What is your first childhood memory?

24. Do you have any siblings?

25. What are their names and where were they born? Can you describe them?

26. Where did you live as a child? Did your family move often? If so, do you know why?

27. Can you describe your childhood home?

28. What kind of feed did you often eat?

29. Where did your food come from? A grocery store, your family’s farm, or a nearby farm?

30. Did you have any pets when you were growing up?

31. What was the weather like where you lived as a child?

32. Did you have chores when you were young?

33. Can you describe what your daily life was like?

34. Did you go to school outside the home? What grade did you finish? Did you like school?

35. What kind of clothing did you wear? Was it store bought or homemade?

36. What did you want to be when you grew up?

37. Did you have a favorite hobby or the time to enjoy one?

38. How did your family spend their evenings or weekends?

39. Did your family travel when you were a child? If so, where did you go?

40. What was your favorite holiday or special occasion?

41. How were birthdays celebrated in your home?

42. Did your family celebrate a winter holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa)? How did you celebrate that holiday?

43. Was your family religious? If so, what place of worship did you attend?

44. How many years of school did you attend? Where?

45. Did you go to a college or university?

46. What is (was) your occupation or trade?

47. Did you get married?

48. Where did you meet your spouse?

49. Where did you get married? What was your wedding like? What did you wear? Where was it held? Was there any special food or traditions?

50. Did you go on a honeymoon? Iso, where?

51. What is (was) your spouse’s full name?

52. What was your spouse’s occupation?

53. Can you describe your spouse’s personality?

54. What was your first home like as a couple? Did you rent or own?

55. Do you have any children? How many?

56. What are the names and birthdates of your children?

57. In what town, city, state, or county were your born?

58. Where did you live with your spouse and children?

59. What was the hardest part about raising children? The easiest part?

60. Did your family attend church or worship services? Where?

61. Did you have any hobbies as an adult/parent?

62. What kind of music did you like?

63. What kind of books or magazines did you like to read?

64. Did you have any close friends as a child?

65. Did you belong to any clubs or fraternal organizations?

66. Did you travel during your life? If so, where was your most favorite place?

67. What major events happened in your lifetime?

68. What accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?

69. What would you say are your greatest skills?

70. What personal events in your life had the greatest impact on your life?

71. What is the best advice that you can give your great-grandchildren or great-great grandchildren?

72. What do you want people to remember most about you?

Enjoy your family visits!!

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